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7 September, 1992
No. 3
[FTP Release for Domestic Area]
Since the first release of ICOT Free Software on 7th August,
anonymous FTP has been available only from abroad. On 7th September,
anonymous FTP from domestic (within Japan) becomes also available.
ICOT Free Software programs are obtainable through anonymous FTP from
our ftp-server machine:
ftp.icot.or.jp .
[How to Get IFS Programs through FTP]
The following is the standard way to get programs from the FTP-
server at ICOT.
1) ftp ftp.icot.or.jp
Connect to ICOT FTP-server machine by FTP command.
2) Name: anonymous
Login with the user name ``anonymous'', and input your
mail address as the password.
3) FTP> cd ifs
Enter into the directory ``ifs''.
4) FTP> get README
Get README file first. This file contains overall
information on the ICOT Free Software.
5) Find out desired files by referring to the directory structure
shown in README file.
6) FTP> binary
Set transfer mode of FTP to image (binary).
7) FTP> get XXXXX.tar.Z
Get an archive file.
[Report on the Accesses from Abroad]
By 1st September, since the first release of ICOT Free Software on
7th August, there have been over 200 persons accessed to the FTP-server
machine at ICOT, and more than 1000 files have been transferred as
| Country | # of Accessed Persons | # of Transferred Files |
| USA | 108 | 644 |
| Canada | 18 | 97 |
| German | 12 | 63 |
| UK | 14 | 51 |
| Austria | 7 | 36 |
| Australia | 10 | 36 |
| Korea | 7 | 30 |
| France | 7 | 26 |
| Holland | 9 | 26 |
| Sweden | 11 | 25 |
| Others | 24 | 93 |
| Total | 227 | 1127 |
[Contents of the Second Release of IFS]
The following is the list of the 15 ICOT Free Software Programs to be
released on 7th September. In total, 58 ICOT Free Software Programs have
been released. The number attached to the name of each software is the
same as that in the list of ICOT Free Software. The size of each
tar-file is also given.
Symbol Processing: 3
1 KL1 Programming Environment on UNIX: PDSS 2.6MB
2 Parallel and Distributed KL1 Language Processor: VPIM 1.8MB
5 A Concurrent Object-oriented Language: A'UM-90 1.1MB
Knowledge Representation, Knowledge Base and Constraints: 1
12 Nested Relational Database Management System: Kappa-II 5.7MB
(Data files are attached)
Problem Solving, Meta-reasoning, Theorem Proving: 3
22 Parallel Model Generation Theorem Prover: MGTP 44KB
25 Forward Chaining Inference System: KORE/IE 79KB
30 Parallel Problem Solving System 72KB
Natural Language Processing: 5
36 A Sentence Retrieval Tool: KWIC (CESP Version) 1.1MB
40 Linguistic Knowledge Description Language 1.5MB
41 The Syntax Analyzer 167KB
42 Experimental System for Argument Text Generation: Dulcinea 868KB
49 Text Structure Analysis System 316KB
Experimental Application: 3
52 Go Playing Game System ``GOG'' (sequential version) 628KB
53 Go Playing Game System ``GOG'' (parallel version) 834KB
58 LSI Routing Program 89KB
[Address Change of AIR]
AI Language Research Institute (AIR) will move to the following
address. If you would like to contact on Common ESP, use the following
address after 17th September.
Research Management Department
AI Language Research Institute, Ltd.
c/o Computer & Information Systems Laboratory
Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
1-1, Ofuna 5-chome, Kamakura
Kanagawa 247 Japan
e-mail: cesp-request@air.co.jp
FAX: +81-467-48-4847
[PDSS Release]
PDSS (PIMOS Development Support System) is a system to execute KL1
programs on BSD UNIX workstations, and compatibility with the KL1 system
on the Multi-PSI/PIM is preserved except in the implementation method and
execution efficiency. Executing large scale KL1 programs on PDSS
directly is difficult because of several constraints, but relatively
small programs or parts of large programs are executable on PDSS.
PDSS is released as ICOT Free Software at the second release on 7th
For information on ICOT Free Software, please contact
by e-mail. If you receive the paper edition of this newsletter, please
let us know your e-mail address and we will send you the electronic
edition. If you cannot use the e-mail facility, please contact the
address below.
A list of ICOT Free Software ``ICOT Free Software Catalogue'' was
distributed at the International Conference on Fifth Generation Computer
Systems 1992, held at the beginning of June, 1992. If you do not have a
copy of this list, please contact IFS desk with your physical mail
If there are persons in your neighborhood who are interested in ICOT
Free Software, please let us know their names and both e-mail and
physical mail addresses so that we can send them newsletters and the
ICOT Free Software desk
Institute for New Generation Computer Technology
21th Floor, Mita Kokusai Bldg.
4-28, Mita 1-chome
Minato-ku, Tokyo 108
FAX: +81-3-3456-1618